I have a little tooth in here
Which I barely lost today
And I will not even shed a tear
If you will kindly come my way!
When I was three years old I stayed overnight at my grandparents house one Friday night. My mum had recently had my baby sister and in order to give her and my dad a break my grandparents 'borrowed' me as they regularly did throughout my childhood. After feasting on a treat of fish and chips my grandma gave me a bath and so, as legend goes, left me curled up on the sofa chatting to my granddad whilst wrapped in a huge fluffy towel.
No more than five minutes later she returned to find me screaming my head off, blood everywhere and an entirely boggled granddad panicking over what I'd done. Once the dust (and blood) had settled it became apparent that I'd somehow managed to pull my very own tooth out whilst chewing on the corner of the towel.
My grandma has never forgotten or quite gotten over the drama of that night (I think I scarred her for life!) and thanks to this gorgeous trinket box above neither have I. They brought it me for my next birthday I believe, so that I could collect any teeth that happened to be lost in less dramatic circumstances and set them ready for the arrival of the tooth fairy.
Trinkets always divide people ; some labelling them as meaningless tat that should be thrown away and hidden out of site in spotless homes, others (myself included) unable to fathom a home without them. This little box has moved around with me a lot but will always have a little place and space in my home.
Do any of you have any little trinkets that mean the world to you even if others would merely wrinkle their noses at the sight of them?